Sanjo Craftsmanship

The history of hardware in Sanjo City goes back about 400 years.

Seibei Otani, who lived in Sanjo as a magistrate for three years from 1625, is said to have started by inviting nail craftsmen from Edo to teach how to make Japanese nails as a side job for farmers uffering from river flooding.

Initially, Japanese nails were made as a side business of farmers, but around 1649, a factory specializing in blacksmithing was opened.

In 1661, when new manufacturing methods such as saws and hatchets were introduced from the Aizu region of Fukushima prefecture, they spread from Japanese nails to sickle, saws, and kitchen knives.

Currently, it has developed into a "metal industry city, Sanjo" that produces kitchen utensils, carpentry tools, measuring instruments, gardening tools, outdoor utensils, living utensils, housing equipment, etc., centering on hand tools and work tools. 


"RANSHOU" is a word that means excellent craftsmen in Sanjo, and is a Collaboration brand of Sgsupport and Sanjo craftsmen. 

Ranshou's products are excellent products carefully selected from products produced in Sanjo City and its surrounding areas.

Tsubame-Sanjo area


The Tsubame-Sanjo area, located almost in the center of Niigata Prefecture, is about two hours from Tokyo by Shinkansen. Blessed with beautiful four seasons, water and air, it is an ideal place for growing rice.

Sanjo City is also famous for its metal industry, and has a long tradition that dates back to the Edo period.

Tsubame City has a global share in the production of western tableware.